Jesus' Last Words Before Ascending

Category 1


Welcome to Praise Chapel, where we explore the profound teachings of Jesus Christ. In this article, we delve into the last words spoken by Jesus before ascending to heaven. These momentous and impactful words provide us with guidance, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of our faith. Join us on this spiritual journey as we uncover the wisdom within Jesus' parting message.

The Ascension and its Significance:

The ascension of Jesus Christ holds immense significance in Christian theology. After His resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven, returning to His Father. Before ascending, Jesus left His disciples with His last words, which continue to resonate with believers and guide us in our daily lives.

The Last Words:

1. "Go and make disciples of all nations..."

Jesus' first parting command emphasizes the importance of spreading the Good News to all corners of the world. These words highlight the mission of every believer to share the love and teachings of Christ with others, promoting unity and understanding among nations.

2. "Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..."

Baptism symbolizes the initiation into the Christian faith. Jesus' instruction to baptize individuals in the name of the Holy Trinity signifies the importance of embracing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within our spiritual journey.

3. "Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you..."

Jesus emphasized the significance of following His teachings. By instructing His disciples to teach others to obey His commands, He ensured the preservation and propagation of His wisdom and principles. This statement encourages believers to study and apply Jesus' teachings in their lives.

4. "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

In this final assurance, Jesus promises His eternal presence. These words provide comfort and strength to believers, assuring us that He will never abandon us and that His guidance will be with us until the end of time.

Applying Jesus' Last Words in our Lives:

The last words of Jesus contain profound teachings that continue to shape our faith. By incorporating His instructions into our lives, we can inspire positive change and make a difference in the world:

1. Sharing the Gospel:

We are called to actively share the message of Jesus Christ with others, inviting them to experience the transformative power of His love and grace.

2. Living a Spirit-Filled Life:

By embracing the Holy Spirit and allowing His presence to guide us, we can lead lives that reflect the character of Christ.

3. Discipleship and Mentorship:

Jesus' directive to make disciples teaches us the importance of mentoring and nurturing the faith of others. Through intentional discipleship, we can help individuals grow in their relationship with God.

4. Obedience to God's Word:

Following Jesus' commands is central to our journey of faith. By studying the Scriptures and living in obedience to God's Word, we align ourselves with His will.

5. Trusting in God's Presence:

Jesus' assurance of His constant presence reminds us to place our trust in Him. Regardless of life's challenges, we can rely on His faithful companionship.

Join Praise Chapel on the Path of Faith:

At Praise Chapel, we strive to create a nurturing and inclusive community, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Explore our website to discover resources, events, and opportunities to deepen your understanding of faith and connect with like-minded individuals.


The last words spoken by Jesus before ascending into heaven hold immense significance for believers. In these few statements, He imparts timeless wisdom and commands that are essential to our spiritual journey. By embracing and applying His teachings, we can find purpose, guidance, and a stronger connection with our faith. Join us at Praise Chapel as we navigate the path set before us by Jesus' last words and strive to live lives that honor His message and mission.


Sharon Henderson

Jesus' last words before ascending continue to resonate with believers today. They are a powerful reminder of his divine purpose and the enduring love he has for humanity. Each word carries profound meaning, offering guidance and inspiration in our spiritual journey. Reflecting on these words allows us to deepen our faith and gain a deeper understanding of Jesus' sacrifice. Let us embrace this opportunity to learn from his wisdom and strive to live a life that honors his teachings. May his words echo in our hearts and guide us towards a path of love, compassion, and righteousness. ??️